The space is comfortable, the avenue is simple, with unique elegance, the det are delicate and simple, making theresidents more relaxed and enjoy the exclusive time.Gray always is quiet composed, incidental is worn advanced simple sense, its distinctive leng jun is idiosyncrasic, became the pursuit of advanced home outfit.
在繁杂的世界里,现在人们越来越喜欢灰 色的沉稳来作为安静的港湾。
In the multifarious world, now people increasingly like the gray composed to serve as a quiet harbor.
恣意洒脱而不凌乱的纹理,有着时尚的美 感,更兼具耐磨、防滑、好打理优势,色彩内敛含蓄,带来活力且富含诗意的居住环境。产品纹理简约干净,低调的奢华是此款产品态度,也是选择它的您生活态 度的折射。
The free and easy but not messy texture has a fashionable aesthetic feeling, but also has the advantages of wear resistance, skid resistance and good management. The restrained and reserved colors bring vitality and a poetic living environment.Simple and clean product texture, low-key luxury is the attitude of this product, but also choose it to reflect your life attitude.
整个空间以灰色为主色调,搭配金属软装点缀,令空间显得十分简洁干练, 不仅充满年轻的活力,从而又增添一份稳重感。
Whole space gives priority to tonal with gray, tie-in metal is soft outfit ornament, make the space appears very concise and able, not only be full of young vigor, add a segregating sense thereby.
产品结合当今潮流,继承大自然的鬼斧神 工赋予砂岩独一无二的自然纹理,再现砂岩的大气、粗犷、自然。它以一种原始的气息吸引着我们,似大漠起伏的沙丘,似海边平缓的沙滩,它是整体和谐与细部变化的完 美结合。
Combining with the current trend, the products inherit the unique natural texture of sandstone, and reproduce the atmosphere, roughness and nature of sandstone.It attracts us with a kind of primitive breath, like the rolling sand dune of the desert, like the gentle beach of the sea, it is the perfect combination of the whole harmony and the detail change.
还原最本质的美感,自然随性,营造出一 种简单生活意境。本系列以灰色调为主打色系,适用于不同空间的不同搭配,彰显 不凡品味。
Restore the most essential aesthetic feeling, with nature, to create a simple life mood. This series mainly plays the color system with the gray tone, is suitable for the different space different collocation, manifests the extraordinary taste.

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